Name Yasir Farhan
Position Member (Primary)
Name Yasir Farhan
Position Member (Primary)
Yasir Farhan completed his graduation from NED University of Engineering and Technology in 1995 with the BS degree in Mechanical Engineering. He left for USA to pursue his MS Degree in Mechanical Engineering right after final year exam (result came later that year but already left for pursue his degree – never worked in Pakistan). Yasir got admission in Bradley University (Peoria, IL) and completed his MS in 1999.
He got a job in Caterpillar (Joliet – IL) and then moved to Michigan in 1999 to work in Ford Motor Company – Dearborn – Michigan (still here). He worked on several lead roles in Ford (FEA Analyst, PT Testing Engineer, Engine Mounts D&R and now currently working as Pre-Ps/Attribute Mount Engineer.
Yasir has been a critical member of NAAM – Ned Alumni Association of Michigan. His role is Information & Publication Secretary. He already served two full terms and in third term now. Yasir is one of the board of directors of NISA HELP FOUNDATION and involve in several charity work in the community as well as at FORD.