Safwan Shah is the CEO and Founder of PayActiv, Inc. He is a lecturer in Haas School of Business at the University of California, Berkeley, a venture partner at Melbourne-based Adventure Capital Pvt. Ltd., a board member of Techlogix, a leading software and services company, an advisor, and investor in several Silicon Valley startups. Safwan founded Infobox, a market leader in payments, underwriting, and transaction services for banks, casinos, retail, and money transfer businesses. Under Safwan’s leadership, Infobox annually served over 100 million consumers and settled over $20 billion worth of transactions. In 2009, Infobox was acquired by NYSE: TSYS. Prior to that, Safwan held research positions at BioServe Space Technologies (a NASA center for commercial development of space), where a number of his experiments were part of US space shuttle missions. Safwan has a BS (EE) from NED University of Engineering & Technology and MS and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Colorado at Boulder. He is a graduate of the Stanford Executive Program (SEP) from the Graduate School of Business, Stanford University. Safwan is a patron of the Charter Hill Society and is included in the University of California’s honor roll of major donors. At NED 2010 Chicago, 6th International Alumni Convention in Chicago, NEDEA awarded him a Pride of Performance Award for his dedication, commitment, and contributions to the NED Alumni cause. At NED 2014 SV – 10th International Alumni Convention in Silicon Valley, he was awarded by NEDIAN-NA’s most prestigious Pride of Performance and Life Time Achievement Award.
PRIMARY 2010 - 2012
Sillicon Valley