NED Alumni of Texas (Dallas) – NEDEAN
EDEAN is an organization of NED Alumni residing in the Dallas-Fortworth area was formed in January 2014. Its aim is to promote the interests and status of NED as a world-class engineering institution by strengthening ties and communication among its alumni, students, faculty (past and present), patrons, and friends of NED. Some of the other objectives of NEDEAN is to support education for the underprivileged, promote larger NED community integration in the US and raise awareness amongst alumni to become useful resources for the benefit of the community at large. Since its inception, NEDEAN has organized a number of events and activities in the DFW area. Additionally, to its credit, NEDEAN, in partnership with NEDA-Texas (Houston) hosted a very successful NED 2016 Texas – 12th International Alumni Convention in Brook Hollow (Houston), TX in September of 2016.